Wednesday, April 10, 2013

WATER Wednesday!

So, joined WW AGAIN last night.  Decided to head to Danville for the meeting.  Had heard excellent things about the leader there and I am so glad I went!  SHE IS A HOOT!  YEP!  MOTIVATED is what I got and needed!

Zumba is my passion and with that said, I still need to drop 20 pounds.  So, I have added LMP (Les Mills Pump) to my workout and am trying to eat healthier.  The eating is more of a challenge as I eat on the fly so much.  I need to take time to prepare, wash, cut, package my healthy foods so I can just grab and go when needed instead of grabbing that candy bar or that sweet that is always in my house.

The only way I can reach my goal is find the motivation I need, work it and see it through.  I AM DETERMINED TO REACH MY 20 LB MARK BY JULY!  (before then would be nice as well, LOL).

So, today my focus is on WATER!  I don't get in enough water, so I will work on this one today and I'm tracking my foods so I can see what I am eating and hopefully that will assist me in making wiser choices.  Time will tell.

So, Wednesday, HERE I AM!  Let's ROLL!

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